All Museum events and activities are free with admission.
For more information call 910.997.5266 or visit
Theme: Heroes Among Us: This February, the Museum is celebrating Heroes Among Us! Join us as we blend the excitement of superheroes with inspiring stories from history through interactive programs and hands-on activities! From exploring legendary figures to completing “heroic” missions, each activity encourages creativity, kindness and problem-solving!
Special Programs (Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1:30 p.m.
Join us for fun themed activities during the week all month long. Dates, times and activities are subject to change.
February 1 – 9: Save The Day: Discover the story of a true hero, Garrett Morgan, an inventor who saved the day and made a lasting impact on safety for all! After a reading of Save The Day by Karyn Parsons, gear up for an interactive game of Red Light Green Light!
February 10 – 16: Super Structures: Join us for Super Structures, a hands-on STEAM adventure where kids will create their own heart-shaped paper structure, inspired by Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, the first doctor to perform a successful open-heart surgery!
February 17 – 23: A Hero Looks Like You: Unleash your inner hero! Kids will hear an inspiring story about what it means to be a hero, design their own superhero masks and then take on and complete their own “superhero missions!”
February 24 – 28: Supersonic Flight: Take to the skies with Supersonic Flight! Kids will learn about Christine Darden, a trailblazing aerodynamic engineer, while creating their own paper and straw airplanes!
February: Monthly Themed Member Hour: Bear’s Loose Tooth
- Date: February 18, 2025
- Time: During Member Hour from 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
- Experience the tale of Bear’s Loose Tooth! After an interactive reading of the book, Bear’s Loose Tooth by Karma Wilson, children will decorate their very own keepsake tooth fairy box, perfect for storing those special lost teeth.
All Month Long
Puppet Show
February Show: Tortoise and the Hare: A non-traditional spin on a beloved traditional story!
Science Show (Every Day 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.)
Join us at the Science Lab all month for science experiments.
Story Time (Sundays at 1:30 p.m.)
Join us for story time as we read some of our favorites:
- A Hero Looks Like You by Kwame Mbaila
- Girls Like Me by Valerie Thompkins
- Saving the Day by Karyn Parsons
- My Brother Martin by Christine King Farris
Big Fun (Every Day 11:45 a.m. & 4:15 p.m.)
Big Fun is where YOU are the star of the show! Children and adults are invited to move and groove to three of our favorite songs. Put your dancing shoes on and join us for this daily dance party!